It is stated that comparison brings pressure to life, the less we compare ourselves to others, the more peaceful we will be. In this case, the nature teaches us well, for example, the big trees stand...
It is stated that no one gives us a bad life or good life; it is up to us to make it good or bad. Life is in our hands. Here is a good advice: if you want to live a good life, learn ‘how to do it’ and...
It is stated that if we think that we’ve started to be wiser than others, we open our mind for stupidity. We must be humble and open ourselves to a lesson and welcome a teaching. This is the way to...
We will be endlessly unhappy, if we try to control the uncontrollable things. It is true as this world keeps changing; we cannot control anything in this world, even our own life. For example, we...
It is stated that being happy is a choice we make as nothing will make us happy until we choose to be happy. It is noticeable that happy people focus on what they have and satisfy with it. On the...
It is stated that life will become what we feed it; if we feed it with love, life will be lovable. If we feed it with hatred, life will be hateful. If we feed it with mindfulness, life will be...
It is stated that life is a treasure box, not a dustbin. Therefore, we should not keep bad things such as greed, hatred, anxiety and jealousy in it. On the contrary, we should collect good things such...
It is stated that we were born in the conditioned world; don’t let the world break us or make us hard. Don’t let pain make us hate. Don’t let the bitterness steal our sweetness and don’t let the...
Three Principles that the Buddha taught his monks on Maghapuja Day: Not to do evil, To do good and To purify mind...