Since we were born and have lived our life: life may be ups and downs. However, we should never give up and bear in mind: as long as we are breathing, it’s never too late to start a new beginning...
It is stated that most of people know the right path leading to happiness, but few walk it. It is obvious that many times, they know this is mistake, but still repeat it. In fact, there are many ways...
It is stated that everyone wants to live a happy life. However, they condition their life for family, for money and for love, so, their life is difficult, stressful, tired and disappointed. If they...
It is stated that if we deeply observe things as they are, we will see that everything is our teacher. We can learn and gain knowledge from them. When we have knowledge, we will be fine with...
It is stated that people like to blame each other for their unhappiness. In fact, happiness or unhappiness is the result of one’s own action. So, they should solve their own action, do it right, not...
It is stated that feelings such as worry, anxiety, stress and depression are sometimes like the storm. However, they are just visitors, coming in and going out in our life. We should not attach to...
It is stated that we should apply the new normal of living in our life, especially keep distance from negative people as they bring us negativity that causes us trouble. On the contrary, we must keep...
It is stated that kindness is with those, who cultivate it, practise it, and show it to others. In fact, we must be kind, careful, and mindful of people’s feelings as we are human and “To err is...
It is stated that things like fear and addiction cannot control us, if we don’t allow them, we just let things take their own natural course. Then, we will have freedom beyond both fear and addiction...