It is stated that comparison brings about conflict to life; it is either inferior or superior. It is inferior when we feel, we don’t have possessions like others. It is superior when we feel, we have...
It is stated that “Not to know” is the biggest problem in life, because if we don’t know, we will spend our life with doubt in everything. On the contrary, if we know, all doubt is cleared. This...
It is stated that a mirror is useful to us, as we can see our image in it. But it’s useless for the blind. The advice is also compared to a mirror that we can reflect on it and more than that, we can...
It is stated that life is a journey so we should intentionally learn a map before we set off our journey. It is necessary as knowing the map assists us to travel to the destination safely, neither to...
It is stated that life is not that complicated if we intentionally learn it. We would realize that old age, sickness, happiness, suffering, even death exists in this life. Without study, we will get...
It is stated that knowledge or wisdom is compared to light that guides life out of the darkness or trouble. There is a saying: if you light a lamp for someone else, it will also brighten your path. It...
It is stated that there are two sources of knowledge or wisdom, one’s from the others like reading a book or listening to the teachings of the others, and another’s from ones’ own experience like we...
It is stated that this world is full of knowledge: everything is the teaching and everyone is our teacher. We just open our mind to learn it and apply it in our life. However, there’s an obstacle in...
There are factors of a happy life...