It is stated that nothing’s wrong to have great faith in the doctor. It is useful to encourage the patient to follow his advice and prescription. This is how to free people of disease. The doctor also...
It is stated that to know is the gate to happiness as knowledge can fix everything: after checking the failed ship’s engine carefully, an old mechanic gently tapped something. Instantly, the engine...
What’s the most important thing in the relationship? A new married couple’s walking in the garden, there they heard the sound of animal Quack quack! The wife said, “Darling, you hear the sound of...
It is stated that when the door is locked, we need a key to open it. Even we have the key in hand, we still need to know how to open the door as there are many ways to open the door, for example...
It is stated that a saying can become a good encouragement: a boy woke up crying, his father asked him, “Do you have a bad dream?” He said, “No, dad, it’s a good dream.” The father was stunned and...
The question in need of answer: a well-known master used the market as the teaching field. Because he was well-known, when people saw him, they dropped by and asked him questions about their previous...
Practice makes perfect: a girl learned to play a violin, but the sound of violin she played was irritating. Her grandpa asked her, “What musical instrument is it, you are playing? She answered...
There are two kinds of food for life: one is food for the body, which is a diet and another is food for the mind, which is knowledge or wisdom. Food for the body is obvious as it’s needed to maintain...
There is discussion about knowledge and wisdom, what are they? Let’s talk about this, knowledge is the cause and wisdom is the effect or we can describe knowledge is “theory” and wisdom is...