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Let go
It is stated that people often hear and talk about “Let go”, but it is rare to hear the clear instruction about ‘how to let go’ and ‘its consequence’. I will explain it in the simple way that ‘how to let go’; we just put down negativity and ‘its consequence’ we will have more space…
Practice Makes Perfect
Practice makes perfect: a girl learned to play a violin, but the sound of violin she played was irritating. Her grandpa asked her, “What musical instrument is it, you are playing? She answered, “Violin, grandpa.” He thought violin produced such an annoying sound. Next morning, he walked the girl to school, near the school building, he heard a…
Relax and move on
It is stated that we should not stress ourselves too much, no matter how bad the situation is, it will pass, as nothing is permanent. We can always begin again. So, relaxed and move on with life; if it is not good enough, we change it for the better and if it is good, we…
Do the Right Action
It is stated that actions are done by others, but reaction is done by ourselves. We do not take responsibility for others’ action. That is when we do not react to theirs. It is reasonable: we only take responsibility for your own action. The simple expression of how action works is good action produces good consequence…
Conditioned world
It is stated that we were born in the conditioned world; don’t let the world break us or make us hard. Don’t let pain make us hate. Don’t let the bitterness steal our sweetness and don’t let the suffering steal our happiness. We must be strong and true to ourselves, not be deluded by the…
Expectation and Disappointment
It is stated that people mostly live their life with some expectations, for example, they want to live the longest life like 80 years, 90 years, or a hundred year. However, they are disappointed as most of them cannot get what they expect or want as life is impermanent and unpredictable. However, if they are…