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A Factor of Life
There are factors of a happy life.
Life is a journey
It is stated that Life is a ‘Journey.’ We have passed through many stations in our life-journey, starting from birth, old age, sickness to death, the last station of all lives. A long with life-journey, there are two experiences: happy and unhappy. The question is, can we choose to be only happy. The answer could…
It is stated that if we deeply observe things as they are, we will see that everything is our teacher. We can learn and gain knowledge from them. When we have knowledge, we will be fine with everything that comes and goes through our life, as we are able to adjust ourselves to all situations….
Action and consequence
It is stated that be aware of our own action, everything that happens to us is the result of what we ourselves have thought, said, or done. We are alone responsible for our own actions and lives. Therefore, mind our own business. This will bring us greater peace.
A Mirror of Life
It is stated that a mirror is useful to us, as we can see our image in it. But it’s useless for the blind. The advice is also compared to a mirror that we can reflect on it and more than that, we can make use of it to improve our life for the better….
It will pass like seasons
It is stated that a tree stands strong through four seasons, Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. It grows green in Spring, passes the heat in Summer, leaves fall in Autumn and stands tall through the freezing weather in Winter. However, it still stands strong and lives throughout horrible weather of the four seasons. Therefore, we…