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Practice Makes Perfect
Practice makes perfect: a girl learned to play a violin, but the sound of violin she played was irritating. Her grandpa asked her, “What musical instrument is it, you are playing? She answered, “Violin, grandpa.” He thought violin produced such an annoying sound. Next morning, he walked the girl to school, near the school building, he heard a…
food for life
It is stated that when we consume food, we should realize that there are two kinds of food; physical and menta that we feed ourselves. In particular to the mental food, for instance the information, which can support us or destroy us; support us in term of helping us know, stronger and understand the world,…
Ourselves or others
It is stated that the good things we think, we will do for our loved ones, may turn out to harm them. Because If we think of others as we are, we will give them what we like. However, if we think of others as they are, we will do or give what they like….
To Know Right from Wrong
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Nothing is under control
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Happiness is based on right understanding
It is like the story written by Leo Tolstoy: A king wanted to have forever happiness. He consulted with his officers how to achieve it. He was advised to find a happy man, take his shirt and put it on, he will be endlessly happy. The king sent his men to look for the happy…