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Life is short and precious
It is stated that life is short, time is fast, we should enjoy every moment of our life. Because time is life, life is precious. Therefore, we should spend it in the right way; the way of peace and happiness.
Purify mind
It is stated that “Don’t be quick to judge things.” Particularly, when our mind is dominated by ignorance or negativity. We just allow ourselves more times to observe things as they really are. On the other hand, we should purify your mind before looking at things like a metaphor: when your eye-glasses are dirty, you…
It is stated that if you are hard, you should learn to be soft. If you are soft, you should learn to be strong. Accordingly, you should learn to know the nature of both: strength and softness and use the knowledge. The strength and softness must be in harmony. Otherwise, this can be dangerous like…
Three principles of Buddhism
Three Principles that the Buddha taught his monks on Maghapuja Day: Not to do evil, To do good and To purify mind.
It is stated that comparison brings about conflict to life; it is either inferior or superior. It is inferior when we feel, we don’t have possessions like others. It is superior when we feel, we have much more than the others. We should be like nature, neither compare oneself to anyone nor complain anything, like…
Be Positive
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