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Be happy with what we have
It is stated that happiness is abstract or formless that all people want and do whatever they can to achieve it. However, they normally understand that happiness is in either materials or objects, such as luxurious cars, big houses and expensive items. They understand, if they have those things, they will be forever happy. In…
Problem and Solution
It is stated that people like to blame each other for their unhappiness. In fact, happiness or unhappiness is the result of one’s own action. So, they should solve their own action, do it right, not do it wrong. Then, they will be happy. Bear in mind: if a problem has a solution, we must…
Positive Thinking
It is stated that the positive way of thinking leads to happiness as a story told: A lady was always crying on the raining day and sunny day. She was asked why? She answered, “On the raining day, I am afraid that my elder son cannot sell his sweets. On the sunny day, I am…
It is stated that kindness is with those, who cultivate it, practise it, and show it to others. In fact, we must be kind, careful, and mindful of people’s feelings as we are human and “To err is human.” We must not judge them for what they do wrong as they might not intend to…
Conditioned world
It is stated that we were born in the conditioned world; don’t let the world break us or make us hard. Don’t let pain make us hate. Don’t let the bitterness steal our sweetness and don’t let the suffering steal our happiness. We must be strong and true to ourselves, not be deluded by the…
choice of life
It is stated that being happy is a choice we make as nothing will make us happy until we choose to be happy. It is noticeable that happy people focus on what they have and satisfy with it. On the contrary, unhappy people always focus on what is missing; that makes themselves unhappy. What is…