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Purify mind
It is stated that “Don’t be quick to judge things.” Particularly, when our mind is dominated by ignorance or negativity. We just allow ourselves more times to observe things as they really are. On the other hand, we should purify your mind before looking at things like a metaphor: when your eye-glasses are dirty, you…
Rule of action
Here is the rule of action: think good thoughts, say nice things and do good for others, as what we have thought, said and done will come back to us. Therefore, we should think mindfully and carefully before doing any action as it will become our future.
Be Positive
It is stated that anything troubles and irritates us, we should think in the positive way; they are our teachers, teaching us to be stronger. We must learn a lesson, make ourselves understand it and make use of knowledge in our life. This would be better than we go against it.
Change, yourself
It is stated that everyone wants to change the world, but no one wants to change oneself: after graduation, a man came back to his town, he desired to change his town for the better. So, he encouraged people to preserve the environment and keep the town clean. But no one cared for his advice….
To Know Right from Wrong
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Be calm and mindful
It is stated that if we realize that our feelings such as anger, anxiety, worry and jealousy, occur or hide within our mind, we will mindfully guard our own mind, not to react to what we contact with too quickly as it will provoke those of our feelings. We will calmly and mindfully observe things…