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Action shows
It is stated that Buddhadasa Bhikkhu taught: if a man argues with a dog, then, there will be two dogs. Similarly, if a man argues with a fool, then, there will be two foolish men. It’s true, as wisdom or foolishness will be shown by people’s action. More than that, the action produces its consequence….
It is stated that success in life needs supports, as we are sometimes exhausted and the encouragement can stimulate us to keep on trying, not to give up easily. But sometimes some friends might not support us or discourage us, they might think it is too hard for us to achieve the goal. But the…
Freedom or slave
It is stated that things like fear and addiction cannot control us, if we don’t allow them, we just let things take their own natural course. Then, we will have freedom beyond both fear and addiction. On the contrary, if we allow them to control us, we would be their slave.
It is stated that kindness is with those, who cultivate it, practise it, and show it to others. In fact, we must be kind, careful, and mindful of people’s feelings as we are human and “To err is human.” We must not judge them for what they do wrong as they might not intend to…
Living a mindful life
It is stated that it is hard to keep our mind in our body, as we are always distracted by something; we see, hear, smell, touch or think of. However, if we can be careful and mindful of things from moment to moment: What comes and goes through our mind-doors, our mind can be neither…
A Mirror of Life
It is stated that a mirror is useful to us, as we can see our image in it. But it’s useless for the blind. The advice is also compared to a mirror that we can reflect on it and more than that, we can make use of it to improve our life for the better….