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choice of life
It is stated that being happy is a choice we make as nothing will make us happy until we choose to be happy. It is noticeable that happy people focus on what they have and satisfy with it. On the contrary, unhappy people always focus on what is missing; that makes themselves unhappy. What is…
Practice Makes Perfect
Practice makes perfect: a girl learned to play a violin, but the sound of violin she played was irritating. Her grandpa asked her, “What musical instrument is it, you are playing? She answered, “Violin, grandpa.” He thought violin produced such an annoying sound. Next morning, he walked the girl to school, near the school building, he heard a…
Life is a journey
It is stated that Life is a ‘Journey.’ We have passed through many stations in our life-journey, starting from birth, old age, sickness to death, the last station of all lives. A long with life-journey, there are two experiences: happy and unhappy. The question is, can we choose to be only happy. The answer could…
Is coffee or a cup more important?
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Freedom or slave
It is stated that things like fear and addiction cannot control us, if we don’t allow them, we just let things take their own natural course. Then, we will have freedom beyond both fear and addiction. On the contrary, if we allow them to control us, we would be their slave.
Good for You
Good expression: a thief robbed an old man, “Give me all your money!” He replied, “Giving is good.” The thief kept on threatening him by saying, “You have seen my face so I have to kill you, too.” The old man said, “Killing me is good.” “What? Why is it good?”, the thief exclaimed. He replied, “I am…