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Life is short and precious
It is stated that life is short, time is fast, we should enjoy every moment of our life. Because time is life, life is precious. Therefore, we should spend it in the right way; the way of peace and happiness.
Relax and move on
It is stated that we should not stress ourselves too much, no matter how bad the situation is, it will pass, as nothing is permanent. We can always begin again. So, relaxed and move on with life; if it is not good enough, we change it for the better and if it is good, we…
Mind is the best
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The Truth of Life
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Sound of Love
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Living a mindful life
It is stated that it is hard to keep our mind in our body, as we are always distracted by something; we see, hear, smell, touch or think of. However, if we can be careful and mindful of things from moment to moment: What comes and goes through our mind-doors, our mind can be neither…