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It is stated that we must understand that we really own nothing; everything that we have now is temporary. It won’t last forever. So, we should not too much attach to it, just use it as it is for using, not for belonging. Bear in mind that everything is temporary.
An old master taught his students, “If I tell you, this apple is delicious, you should take note of my words, but don’t believe me offhand, because you haven’t tasted it yet.” This is true teaching, as seeing or experiencing is believing. Therefore, we should not believe in hearsay and philosophy, or these are the…
It is stated that meditation is how to direct our mind to the right path that does not harm oneself and others and is kind on oneself and others. If we often practise it, it will become our habit, the habit of kindness and compassion. This is how we learn to get rid of negativity…
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It is stated that if we know how other people behave, we are intelligent. If we know how to behave ourselves, we are wise. In reality, people are intelligent because most of them know or like to know how other people behave. Few people know themselves; they might know something shallow, for example, what kind…
Be calm and mindful
It is stated that if we realize that our feelings such as anger, anxiety, worry and jealousy, occur or hide within our mind, we will mindfully guard our own mind, not to react to what we contact with too quickly as it will provoke those of our feelings. We will calmly and mindfully observe things…
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It is stated that the good things we think, we will do for our loved ones, may turn out to harm them. Because If we think of others as we are, we will give them what we like. However, if we think of others as they are, we will do or give what they like….