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Life is a journey
It is stated that Life is a ‘Journey.’ We have passed through many stations in our life-journey, starting from birth, old age, sickness to death, the last station of all lives. A long with life-journey, there are two experiences: happy and unhappy. The question is, can we choose to be only happy. The answer could…
Life is short, live it carefully and mindfully
Recently, I came across one question: how long is life? Is it a 100 year, 90 yearrs, 80 yearrs or 70 years? The answer is life is as short as the in-and-out breath. If we breathe in, we do not breathe out, we die and if we breathe out, we do not breathe in, we…
Two Kinds of Food
There are two kinds of food for life: one is food for the body, which is a diet and another is food for the mind, which is knowledge or wisdom. Food for the body is obvious as it’s needed to maintain the body and food for the mind is also needed to supports life. Two…
Right way of life
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Ourselves or others
It is stated that the good things we think, we will do for our loved ones, may turn out to harm them. Because If we think of others as we are, we will give them what we like. However, if we think of others as they are, we will do or give what they like….
Richness, Success and Wealth
It is stated that people normally understand that if they have much money, they are rich. If they have a well-paid job, they are successful in life. If they have a lot of properties, they are wealthy. In fact, it is not like they understand: happiness is richness, inner peace is success, and good health…