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Knowledge clears out all doubt
It is stated that “Not to know” is the biggest problem in life, because if we don’t know, we will spend our life with doubt in everything. On the contrary, if we know, all doubt is cleared. This reminds me of a story: an old man hid a coin in his hands and asked children…
To Know Right from Wrong
It is stated that in early age, we need a teacher and teaching. A teacher should be kind and compassionate. A teaching should be focused on ‘to know right from wrong’. This reminds me of a story, in the well-known school one student was caught stealing. Other students requested the teacher to expel him with…
Be calm and mindful
It is stated that if we realize that our feelings such as anger, anxiety, worry and jealousy, occur or hide within our mind, we will mindfully guard our own mind, not to react to what we contact with too quickly as it will provoke those of our feelings. We will calmly and mindfully observe things…
Put it down
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A wise way of living a life
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Intention in the here-and-now
It is stated that the past and future are in our head. In fact, we have only here and now, which are in our hands; we can control it or change it for the better. However, the past has gone, nothing we cannot do about it and so neither the future. When we realize this,…