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reaction matters
We know! we cannot control what is happening, we must control the way we react to it. This will become our power to cease anger, anxiety, depression, fear of loss and departure. And then, life will be relaxed and under our control.
Don’t be too quick to judge others
It is stated that judgement is an action, which is easily performed: a young couple moved into a new neighbourhood, sitting in the dinning room, the wife saw her neighbour hanging the wishing outside and said, “That laundry is not very clean; she doesn’t know how to wash correctly.” The next morning, she was surprised…
Life in our hands
It is stated that no one gives us a bad life or good life; it is up to us to make it good or bad. Life is in our hands. Here is a good advice: if you want to live a good life, learn ‘how to do it’ and make it happen.
A Good Saying
It is stated that a saying can become a good encouragement: a boy woke up crying, his father asked him, “Do you have a bad dream?” He said, “No, dad, it’s a good dream.” The father was stunned and asked his son, “If it’s good, why are you crying, then?” He answered, “Dad, I am…
Action shows
It is stated that Buddhadasa Bhikkhu taught: if a man argues with a dog, then, there will be two dogs. Similarly, if a man argues with a fool, then, there will be two foolish men. It’s true, as wisdom or foolishness will be shown by people’s action. More than that, the action produces its consequence….
The truth of things
It is stated that ‘not everyone understands our life.’ It is ok as we are here to live our life, not to please everyone or make everyone understand ours. It is true that we were born to live our life and during this life, we may meet many people. However, they come and go, as…