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Change, yourself
It is stated that everyone wants to change the world, but no one wants to change oneself: after graduation, a man came back to his town, he desired to change his town for the better. So, he encouraged people to preserve the environment and keep the town clean. But no one cared for his advice….
Wrong intention and path
It is stated that most of people know the right path leading to happiness, but few walk it. It is obvious that many times, they know this is mistake, but still repeat it. In fact, there are many ways to prevent it and turn to the right action. However, they choose to walk the wrong…
Action shows
It is stated that Buddhadasa Bhikkhu taught: if a man argues with a dog, then, there will be two dogs. Similarly, if a man argues with a fool, then, there will be two foolish men. It’s true, as wisdom or foolishness will be shown by people’s action. More than that, the action produces its consequence….
There are two meanings of wanting; unwholesome and wholesome. It is unwholesome, when it causes suffering, more wanting, inadequateness, chaos and no peace. It is wholesome, when wanting comes to end suffering, detach from desire, practise and develop oneself for the better. Which wanting do you want to have, unwholesome or wholesome? It is free…
It is stated that comparison brings pressure to life, the less we compare ourselves to others, the more peaceful we will be. In this case, the nature teaches us well, for example, the big trees stand side by side with the small trees without any complaint. Similarly, the little stars never compare themselves to the…
Action and consequence
It is stated that be aware of our own action, everything that happens to us is the result of what we ourselves have thought, said, or done. We are alone responsible for our own actions and lives. Therefore, mind our own business. This will bring us greater peace.