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It is stated that comparison brings about conflict to life; it is either inferior or superior. It is inferior when we feel, we don’t have possessions like others. It is superior when we feel, we have much more than the others. We should be like nature, neither compare oneself to anyone nor complain anything, like…
Strength and Weakness
We like to explain the meaning of strength and weakness in the context of power. For example, strong people oppress the weak. However, there is another meaning of strength and weakness: the strong may try to control the weak, but if they cannot control themselves, they are weaker than the weak. On the contrary, if…
It will pass like seasons
It is stated that a tree stands strong through four seasons, Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. It grows green in Spring, passes the heat in Summer, leaves fall in Autumn and stands tall through the freezing weather in Winter. However, it still stands strong and lives throughout horrible weather of the four seasons. Therefore, we…
The truth of things
It is stated that ‘not everyone understands our life.’ It is ok as we are here to live our life, not to please everyone or make everyone understand ours. It is true that we were born to live our life and during this life, we may meet many people. However, they come and go, as…
It is stated that kindness is with those, who cultivate it, practise it, and show it to others. In fact, we must be kind, careful, and mindful of people’s feelings as we are human and “To err is human.” We must not judge them for what they do wrong as they might not intend to…
Problem and Solution
It is stated that people like to blame each other for their unhappiness. In fact, happiness or unhappiness is the result of one’s own action. So, they should solve their own action, do it right, not do it wrong. Then, they will be happy. Bear in mind: if a problem has a solution, we must…