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Understanding vs Knowledge
It is stated that understanding is deeper than knowledge: you might know many things in this word. Without understanding, you cannot make use of them. For example, you know many philosophies of life and religious teachings. However, when you are hit by emotion or feeling, you are easily distracted. Your knowledge cannot assist you to…
food for life
It is stated that when we consume food, we should realize that there are two kinds of food; physical and menta that we feed ourselves. In particular to the mental food, for instance the information, which can support us or destroy us; support us in term of helping us know, stronger and understand the world,…
Open our mind to learn
It is stated that this world is full of knowledge: everything is the teaching and everyone is our teacher. We just open our mind to learn it and apply it in our life. However, there’s an obstacle in learning: our mind is sometimes biased with some belief or tradition, so that we cannot receive or…
Action shows
It is stated that Buddhadasa Bhikkhu taught: if a man argues with a dog, then, there will be two dogs. Similarly, if a man argues with a fool, then, there will be two foolish men. It’s true, as wisdom or foolishness will be shown by people’s action. More than that, the action produces its consequence….
Be Positive
It is stated that anything troubles and irritates us, we should think in the positive way; they are our teachers, teaching us to be stronger. We must learn a lesson, make ourselves understand it and make use of knowledge in our life. This would be better than we go against it.
Food for Life
It is stated that life will be like what we feed it. For example, if we feed it with love, we will be loved. On the contrary, if we feed it with greed and hatred, we will be greedy and hated. Similarly, we will become what we eat; if we eat healthy food, we will…