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Real knowledge can fix everything
It is stated that to know is the gate to happiness as knowledge can fix everything: after checking the failed ship’s engine carefully, an old mechanic gently tapped something. Instantly, the engine lurched into life. The engine was fixed! A week later, the ship’s owner received a bill from the old man. “What, a thousand…
Close or Open!
We should not assume that loud is strong and quiet is weak. Similarly, open eye does not mean, we can see and understand everything. Sometimes, closed eye can see and understand more than open eye as we consider, contemplate on the object or meditate on it. One Buddhist monk said, “I close my eyes, it…
Two Kinds of Food
There are two kinds of food for life: one is food for the body, which is a diet and another is food for the mind, which is knowledge or wisdom. Food for the body is obvious as it’s needed to maintain the body and food for the mind is also needed to supports life. Two…
It is stated that we must understand that we really own nothing; everything that we have now is temporary. It won’t last forever. So, we should not too much attach to it, just use it as it is for using, not for belonging. Bear in mind that everything is temporary.
Living a mindful life
It is stated that it is hard to keep our mind in our body, as we are always distracted by something; we see, hear, smell, touch or think of. However, if we can be careful and mindful of things from moment to moment: What comes and goes through our mind-doors, our mind can be neither…
Practice Makes Perfect
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