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Mindfulness and Awareness
It is stated that many times, we leave the wound in people’s heart. This may be without intention, but with ignorance and carelessness. If we are mindful, thinking of others as ourselves, we would not hurt people. You know! when the hurt is done, how much one is sorry for their action. It is not…
Life is short, live it carefully and mindfully
Recently, I came across one question: how long is life? Is it a 100 year, 90 yearrs, 80 yearrs or 70 years? The answer is life is as short as the in-and-out breath. If we breathe in, we do not breathe out, we die and if we breathe out, we do not breathe in, we…
An old master taught his students, “If I tell you, this apple is delicious, you should take note of my words, but don’t believe me offhand, because you haven’t tasted it yet.” This is true teaching, as seeing or experiencing is believing. Therefore, we should not believe in hearsay and philosophy, or these are the…
Strength and Weakness
We like to explain the meaning of strength and weakness in the context of power. For example, strong people oppress the weak. However, there is another meaning of strength and weakness: the strong may try to control the weak, but if they cannot control themselves, they are weaker than the weak. On the contrary, if…
A Mirror of Life
It is stated that a mirror is useful to us, as we can see our image in it. But it’s useless for the blind. The advice is also compared to a mirror that we can reflect on it and more than that, we can make use of it to improve our life for the better….
Food for Life
It is stated that life will be like what we feed it. For example, if we feed it with love, we will be loved. On the contrary, if we feed it with greed and hatred, we will be greedy and hated. Similarly, we will become what we eat; if we eat healthy food, we will…