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Action shows
It is stated that Buddhadasa Bhikkhu taught: if a man argues with a dog, then, there will be two dogs. Similarly, if a man argues with a fool, then, there will be two foolish men. It’s true, as wisdom or foolishness will be shown by people’s action. More than that, the action produces its consequence….
Relax and move on
It is stated that we should not stress ourselves too much, no matter how bad the situation is, it will pass, as nothing is permanent. We can always begin again. So, relaxed and move on with life; if it is not good enough, we change it for the better and if it is good, we…
Rule of action
Here is the rule of action: think good thoughts, say nice things and do good for others, as what we have thought, said and done will come back to us. Therefore, we should think mindfully and carefully before doing any action as it will become our future.
It is stated that if you are hard, you should learn to be soft. If you are soft, you should learn to be strong. Accordingly, you should learn to know the nature of both: strength and softness and use the knowledge. The strength and softness must be in harmony. Otherwise, this can be dangerous like…
The truth of things
It is stated that ‘not everyone understands our life.’ It is ok as we are here to live our life, not to please everyone or make everyone understand ours. It is true that we were born to live our life and during this life, we may meet many people. However, they come and go, as…
Life is short, live it carefully and mindfully
Recently, I came across one question: how long is life? Is it a 100 year, 90 yearrs, 80 yearrs or 70 years? The answer is life is as short as the in-and-out breath. If we breathe in, we do not breathe out, we die and if we breathe out, we do not breathe in, we…