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Close or Open!
We should not assume that loud is strong and quiet is weak. Similarly, open eye does not mean, we can see and understand everything. Sometimes, closed eye can see and understand more than open eye as we consider, contemplate on the object or meditate on it. One Buddhist monk said, “I close my eyes, it…
Right way of life
Believe it or not, almost haft of our life is lost in a wrong way of living, if we are not mindful and careful. How is that? It is because a quarter of life is lost in pleasing and following others. Another quarter of life is lost in caring for others’ saying and action. Therefore,…
Happiness is based on right understanding
It is like the story written by Leo Tolstoy: A king wanted to have forever happiness. He consulted with his officers how to achieve it. He was advised to find a happy man, take his shirt and put it on, he will be endlessly happy. The king sent his men to look for the happy…
Two Kinds of Food
There are two kinds of food for life: one is food for the body, which is a diet and another is food for the mind, which is knowledge or wisdom. Food for the body is obvious as it’s needed to maintain the body and food for the mind is also needed to supports life. Two…
Freedom or slave
It is stated that things like fear and addiction cannot control us, if we don’t allow them, we just let things take their own natural course. Then, we will have freedom beyond both fear and addiction. On the contrary, if we allow them to control us, we would be their slave.
The truth of things
It is stated that ‘not everyone understands our life.’ It is ok as we are here to live our life, not to please everyone or make everyone understand ours. It is true that we were born to live our life and during this life, we may meet many people. However, they come and go, as…